Tag: english lab

Henry is 3 months old.

Henry is 3 months old! Wow, time has flown by! I seriously cannot believe Henry is already 3 months old. He is growing so fast. Each day he learns a new skill, or gets better at one behavior. But then other not so great...

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3rd Week with Henry

Saturday marks the end of our 3rd week with Henry. It seems like we just got him, and actually three weeks is not that long, but he has experienced a lot already. We had a fire nearby, so we had to prepare to evacuate. The air...

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We met our puppy

My husband and I met our puppy this weekend. Had to go pretty far (over 3 hours) to meet our new little black English labrador puppy, and our visit was very brief – we only got to see him for a couple minutes, and the two...

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Elsie is almost 2 years old!

These 2 years have sure gone by quick! It seems like we just got Elsie. She is such a sweetie pie! She really is a great dog. Is she perfect? Heck no. Does she still get into stuff? Yes! Does she still act like a crazy person...

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