August 17, 2015

Rocc's eye area is looking better each day!

Rocc’s eye area is looking better each day!

Today I came home for lunch, to let the doggies outside and to give Rocco his medicine. Glad I work close to home. This is Rocco’s first day home without anyone here since his surgery (except for Chloe). So far so good. I was worried that he would scratch his eye, but Stu put some NeoSporin on it and I think it helps. It was getting a little crusty, and probably itchy. And my wonderful daughter came by earlier and let them go potty. (we have to keep the doggy door closed so Rocco doesn’t go running wild in the yard – surgeon said to keep him ‘calm’ for about 10 days. If you ever met Rocco – calm is not one of the words you would use to describe him. LOL). Here is a picture of Rocco, ready to take a nap. Unfortunately I have to go back to work now. I will be nervous this afternoon with him home alone, but I think everything will be fine. I cant keep taking time off work – I have so much going on at work and so much to do before school starts! Did I mention that I am going to start looking for a new job? More on that if I get one!

I really think that Rocco is still pretty tired from the whole ordeal. He sleeps a ton more than he use to. His body is probably forcing him to rest so it can heal. His swelling is almost all gone, you can tell by this photo that there is still a little swelling, but not horrible. I see progress each day. I see his personality coming back a little more each day, too. So its all good 🙂